Friday, November 30, 2012

Families Need Fathers Scotland

I don't remember exactly when, but sometime during my absence from blogging Families Need Fathershave opened a Scottish office. With Ian Maxwell at the helm as National Development Manager the FNF(S) website has  has useful news section and resources to assist party litigants. On Tuesday 4 December Karen Woodall of the Centre For Separated Families  will talk of her work with high conflict families experiencing parental alienation. There is  afternoon event is intended for professionals working with families, and the evening event for FNF members and others affected by parental alienation although these events are open to all.  Further information available here. 


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sorting Out Separation

This initiative launched today by the UK Government  is a response to the   Family Justice Review in England & Wales  which recommended establishing an online hub to give information and support to help couples resolve issues following divorce or separation outside of courts. I think it is a step in the right direction and I have added a link  in the right hand bar. 
Scottish readers need to be aware  that although the app was launched by the DWP for Britain and talks about going through the UK courts to divorce  the legal section  refers to England & Wales.  Wikivorce  is signposted for information about the law in Scotland. The sections on parenting, budgeting, benefits etc will, of course, be useful to parents on both sides of the border.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thoughts on Equal Time Shared Care

Equal time shared care is just another thing for parents to argue about and not really about the welfare of children. The biggest obstacle to parents sharing caring 50:50 after separation is the absence of shared care 50:50 before separation* and that is because of the working practices in the UK. Most men with dependent children work in full time inflexible jobs where as around 60% of women with dependent children in the UK don't work or work in part time lower paid flexible jobs to fit around childcare.** Countries with more equal opportunities have higher employment rates among women, more shared care before parents separate and higher estimated rates of shared care 50:50 after separation. 

"Residence," "contact" and "shared residence" are terms that leave parents with a sense of winning or losing and make it difficult to negotiate or mediate arrangements.***  Parental Responsibility and Rights means  legally  both parents already have equal responsibility and rights to carry out those responsibilities. I think  education explaining this to separated parents, encouraging them  to put the needs of their children first and giving them strategies for dealing with conflict is the way to go.

Continuity of care is important "it is generally  accepted that the preservation of the status quo operates for the benefit of the child ... " Family Law In Scotland - Joe Thomson 

**  Focus On Gender 2008

*** "We recommend government should develop a child arrangements order, which would set out arrangements for the upbringing of a child when court determination of disputes related to the care of children is required. The new order would move away from loaded terms such as residence and contact which have themselves become a source of contention between parents, to bring greater focus on practical issues of the day to day care of the child…"  Family Justice Review


Back From Far Far Away

Actually apart from the usual holidays I haven't been that far, just  busy. Since I last blogged three years ago some very important things  have happened. My last  posts were about the launch  in  Scotland of the Civil Courts Review and the Reaction to the Review.  In England & Wales the Family Justice Review Final Report  was published in November 2011 and reform in both countries  is now underway.

In light of criticism of procedure and practice in children cases in the case of BvG earlier this year, the Murray Stables held an event Changing the Culture  to discuss the potential for a new culture. Family therapist and retired family psychiatrist, Nick Child, attended and added a new section  Children Resisting Post-Separation Contact With a Parent to his website. I think this is the best and most comprehensive internet resource about children resisting contact/Parental Alienation  in the UK I have seen.

The UK Government have held various child support consultations and a new gross income scheme has started to be implemented. Initially only new cases will be assessed under the new rules with existing cases being transferred over a number of years. The Child Support Maintenance  Calculation Regulations 2012 are available here

So that's three years in a nutshell. I'm now off to get rid of all the spam on my blog and update the judgements and links in the right hand bar so that the blog is up and running again.


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