Sunday, March 29, 2009

March Blog Highlights

Jonathan Mitchell QC : Google Street View and the law
Following suggestions that Google Street View which was launched in Scotland earlier this month is illegal Jonathan examines the legal issues. His conclusion is bad news for cheating spouses (or any miscreant) caught on camera as there is no authority to support the notion that photographing ordinary street scenes is unlawful.

Family Lore: Brave new world
In a speech to the family lawyers organistation in England & Wales Resolution Mr Justice Andrew McFarlane said new plans to open family courts to the media do not go far enough. The press release is here.

Family Lore: Resolution calls for no-fault divorce
Resolution called for a radical overhaul of divorce laws at it's national conference by asking the government to help take the blame out of divorce and separation by introducing no-blame divorce. It was also said the government "should commit to undertaking a thorough review of family law so that couples can be clearer from the outset about how their finances will be divided." The press release is available here.

Marilyn Stowe
: Financial Dispute Resolution – look out for these stumbling blocks
In 2006 new cost rules were introduced in England & Wales for ancillary relief (the court procedure for resolving financial matters) requiring each party to pay their own costs. Marilyn Stowe has noticed a trend with the new rules being used as a weapon to force one party into accepting an offer, because they are worried about mounting legal cost.

Marilyn Stowe: Mesher Orders and Martin Orders: What You Need To Know
In England & Wales Mesher & Martin orders are sometimes used to defer the sale of the former matrimonial home to enable one party (usually the wife) to temporarily remain living there whilst the other party maintains an interest in the property in the form of a chargeback. This can be fraught with problems when the time comes to sell the house, leaving the person who remained in the former matrimonial home unable to afford to buy another property.

Pink Tape: Three posts about the impact of the government’s latest round of proposed cuts in legal aid in England & Wales on vulnerable families and children here, here and here.

Judith's Divorce Blog
Interesting posts about the recession, not intervening in others marital relations and winning in Judith's unique style

Los Angeles Divorce and Family Law: International Divorce
An article from the The Economist. Thanks to John Bolch of Family Lore Focus for the tip off.


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