Monday, May 25, 2009

Man in Tights to Monster Raving Loony

Some stories you couldn't make up. As the elections on 4th June are nearly upon us I checked out the Equal Parenting Alliance to see if they were running any candidates. According to Wikipedia the Equal Parenting Alliance is a UK political party formed in 2006 by a former Fathers For Justice member to bring about reform of the family law system in England and Wales. Some of their policies available on the website bear an uncanny resemblance to the Scary Stuff - BNP's White Paper on Family Law, Familoo of Pink Tape blogged about earlier today.

The Equal Parenting Alliance gained 124 votes in the Scottish Parliamentary Elections (South Ayrshire Council) and candidate, Keith Colett, 17 votes in Runnymede Council Elections (Wikipedia) during 2007. In May 2008 their candidate gained 101 votes in the Wolverhampton Local Government Elections (Coventry Telegraph). Apparently this time the Equal Parenting Alliance have one candidate, Keith Collett, standing for 2 seats in Runnymede. Keith Collet, now why did that name ring a bell? Wikipedia reveals a Keith Collet stood in Runnymede Council Election in 2003 and had gained more votes (103) - as a Monster Raving Loony.


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