Saturday, March 8, 2008

Income Changes After Divorce

John Bolch of Family Lore has drawn attention to a paper published by the Institute of Social and Economic Research into the longer term income changes after marital dissolution. Previous studies found that there are large falls in income in the year after a marital split for separating women and children, but not for separating men. The research concludes this trend has continued although the size of the decline has declined.

Further to this 5 years after the split incomes for separating wives do recover but not to their previous levels..... However women who do not have a job in any of the five years after a marital split, or who do not find a new partner, do much worse than this.


John Bolch 08 March, 2008 16:08  

[Cough] It's Bolch actually... :-)

Fiona 08 March, 2008 19:31  

:blush: I'm so sorry, I knew that.

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