Wednesday, December 19, 2012

News Round 3

Same sex marriage Scotland  

The draft bill to allow same-sex marriage in Scotland was  published on 12th December  as part of a new consultation on the detail of ministers' proposals to be put to the Scottish Parliament. 

Rise in child abduction
New figures reveal that the number of parental child abduction cases dealt with by the Foreign Office has risen by 88% in under a decade.

"The government has just introduced equal shared care" ... No it hasn't 
The Government intends to introduce a  statutory  presumption that both parents should normally be involved in the life of a   child in  England & Wales.  Last week  the Justice Committee raised concerns that this  would be misunderstood by parents  as a right to 50:50 equal time parenting. To illustrate the point within a matter of hours after the  Government announced its response to the consultation regarding  changes to the Children Act 1989 one father tried to exercise the right to equal shared care in court. 

Source Family Law

Sesame Street Tool Kit
Sesame Street has just launched a tool kit to help family, friends and others help children through divorce. 

Sibling Contact 
Vicki Straiton, solicitor, cl@n   writes about the legal obstacles in Scotland to separated siblings seeking contact with each other.  In this article she raises concerns that the obstacles aren't effectively addressed in the Children and Young People Bill.

Boris Johnson, Alex Salmond and shopping for divorce
Scottish solicitor Lucia Clark asks in her blawg Do rich divorcing wives fare better in court in London, rather than elsewhere in the world? Apparently not always.  Lucia is a dual qualified solicitor (England/Wales and Scotland) and deals with cases on both sides of the border. 


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